University of Eastern Finland

By onceuser28, 4 December, 2022
Northern Savo
University Type
Public university
University Badge
Blue Badge
Contact person name
Tommi Haapaniemi
Contact person email

One star - in standardin standard

Two stars - above the standardabove the standard

For more information on each indicator go here.

Key Institutional Policies

Indicator Standard
The university has specific regulations or guidelines to ensure that the needs of students with disabilities are catered for One star - standard
Plan for the inclusion of students with disabilities One star - standard
Student service protocol One star - standard
Coordination between services and resources One star - standard
Disability office, unit or services One star - standard
Indicator Standard
Teaching staff training and innovation One star - standard
Training and guidance for administrative, technical and service personnel Two stars - above standard


Indicator Standard
Transition and induction programmes Two stars - above standard
Accessible admission tests Two stars - above standard

University Life

Indicator Standard
Accessible content and materials One star - standard
Inclusive methodologies Two stars - above standard
Inclusive assessment systems Two stars - above standard
Counselling service Two stars - above standard
Orientation plan and personalised tutoring Two stars - above standard
Indicator Standard
Participation of students with disabilities in university bodies and student associations One star - standard
Protocols for the prevention of harassment in the university community Two stars - above standard
Indicator Standard
External internships One star - standard
Indicator Standard
Research and PhD program Two stars - above standard
Indicator Standard
Inclusion of international students in mobility programmes Two stars - above standard


Indicator Standard
Career orientation and information services One star - standard