Tallinn University

By onceuser21, 4 December, 2022
University Type
Public university
University Badge
Blue Badge

Tallinn University is a modern and dynamic research university in Estonia with a leading role in promoting an intelligent lifestyle through education, research, and a unique collaboration across disciplines. We view an intelligent lifestyle as making research-based decisions in order to improve society in general and the well-being of its citizens.

One star - in standardin standard

Two stars - above the standardabove the standard

For more information on each indicator go here.

Key Institutional Policies

About Key Institutional Policies

The university is managed by the Council, the Senate and the Rector in accordance with the Tallinn University Act, the Tallinn University Statutes and other documents regulating the university's operations. Tallinn University is one of the top 1001 - 1200 universities in the world and ranks high in areas of arts and humanities, sociology, education and social studies.

The university acts on the basis of core values inherent to academic organisations and good practices, which are framed in the Tallinn University Development Plan, the Tallinn University Academic Charter and area-specific documents.


Indicator Standard
Accessible buildings and spaces One star - standard
Cognitively accessible buildings and spaces One star - standard
Indicator Standard
The university has specific regulations or guidelines to ensure that the needs of students with disabilities are catered for One star - standard
Plan for the inclusion of students with disabilities One star - standard
Student service protocol One star - standard
Coordination between services and resources One star - standard
Disability office, unit or services One star - standard
Tuition and fee waivers Two stars - above standard
Indicator Standard
Community awareness One star - standard
Teaching staff training and innovation One star - standard


About Access

Tallinn University supports students with special needs upon admission to the university and during the duration of their studies. University can make adjustments in courses, offering everyone equal opportunities to achieve maximum academic potential. We ask students with special needs to inform the Disability Counsellor regarding their needs as soon as possible. This is necessary so the university is able to make any necessary changes in time to allow the student to fully participate in their studies.

Indicator Standard
Transition and induction programmes One star - standard
Accessible admission tests Two stars - above standard

University Life

About University Life

Tallinn University has more than 800 staff members and almost 8,000 students. The buildings also accommodate continuing education courses, seminars and international events, with an estimated annual visitor count of more than 20,000 people. 

Tallinn University has six schools and their constituent research and development centres, a college, 18 support units and the Academic Library.

Indicator Standard
Accessible content and materials One star - standard
Counselling service Two stars - above standard
Indicator Standard
Participation in cultural and university extension activities Two stars - above standard
Participation of students with disabilities in university bodies and student associations One star - standard
Protocols for the prevention of harassment in the university community One star - standard
Indicator Standard
External internships One star - standard
Indicator Standard
Mobility grants and support resources One star - standard
Events for international students in mobility programs One star - standard
